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Simple Truths

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The Forgotten Remedy

Jul 3, 2024

In our last email, we introduced nature’s 8 doctors (if you missed that email, visit our blog, Simple Truths ).

We started off with NUTRITION, but as important as nutrition is, it’s not enough! Remember, there are 8 natural laws of health, and they all work together synergistically.

In her book, The Raw Gourmet, Nomi Shannon comments that 75% of the benefits of eating a clean and nutritious diet can be lost when you’re not getting sufficient daily exercise. That’s incredible! So, for nutrient absorption, exercise is a key element! Studies also show that sedentary lifestyles are known to be linked to dementia, diabetes and heart disease. These should be great motivators to get anyone moving!

According to WHO (the World Health Organization), globally, 1 in 4 adults do not meet the global recommended levels of physical activity, and more than 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active! We can see why exercise has been rightly called “the forgotten remedy!”

Here are a few tips for incorporating more physical activity in your day!

·       Go for a 10 to 15 minute brisk walk after every meal. This improves digestion and blood sugar levels!

·       Even if you’re glued to your phone – walk and talk!

·       Take the stairs when you can!

·       Grab the leash and walk your dog!

·       Enroll in an exercise class! Either in person or on youtube!

·       Get a good watch that can track your steps and encourages you to keep moving!

As you begin to practice new exercise habits, your health will steadily improve and happy endorphins will multiply, causing you to feel better than ever! Here’s a link with some helpful “hacks!”

Now, at this point you may be asking, “what exactly does exercise have to do with Simple Kneads bread?” Well, you need more resources when you are exercising and Simple Kneads bread has 3 grams of protein in each slice. So, our product is not just empty carbs!

Our CEO and founder Tristaun eats 4 slices of our bread after his grueling CrossFit and weight training routine every day! Why? The protein for one, but it’s also prebiotic, so it’s very assimilable. It’s well cooked, doesn’t have cheap, starchy ingredients, and it’s an all organic, naturally gluten-free product! Tristaun and his wife Sacha also have 4 rambunctious kids they have to keep up with! You can see why one of the main components in their diet is Simple Kneads bread!


Here’s to a clean, natural product your whole family will benefit from!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

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