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Simple Truths
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3 Fun Ways to Use Cinnamon Raisin Bread for the Holidays!
We know, we know! Raisins don’t appeal to everyone, but maybe you don’t know about some of the exceptional benefits they have! → Raisins are VERY good for oral health because of their antibacterial activity. In fact, one of the reasons we use 100% organic raisin juice...
The Forgotten Remedy
In our last email, we introduced nature’s 8 doctors (if you missed that email, visit our blog,...
Nature’s 8 Doctors!
At Simple Kneads we love helping people feel healthier and happier! We do this, not only by...
Healthy bread can be nutritious AND delicious
Most of us today, especially in the United States, eat bread every day. Whether it’s breakfast...
Simple Kneads is a nutritional POWERHOUSE! Here’s why…
Our true sourdough bread is made with 5 gluten-free ancient “grains” that are rich in vitamins,...
A Whole Foods Plant-based Lifestyle
It’s a scary thought for some - no meat, no cheese, no fried foods… You might be saying, “um, no...
Simple Kneads – A Protein Dynamo!
As an athlete you know you need good nutrition, and certainly protein! And if you’re gluten...