Simple Kneads – A Protein Dynamo!

Simple Kneads – A Protein Dynamo!

As an athlete you know you need good nutrition, and certainly protein! And if you’re gluten intolerant or have other allergies, the options get slimmer and slimmer. Our GLUTEN-FREE, top 9 allergen-free, vegan, sourdough was created so that people could have a plant-based bread, that Is TRULY nutritious!

For those who are exercising and looking to build a strong, healthy body, this bread is for you. Not only is it made with nutritious ancient grains, but it is also a true, authentic sourdough, which is a protein dynamo! That’s a bonus, especially for those who are focusing on building muscle. Naturally, there are some plant-based foods that contain more protein than others. Foods like tofu, tempeh, edamames, lentils (which have 18 grams of protein per cooked cup!), and a variety of beans, are all high sources of protein (most beans contain 15 grams of protein per cooked cup). But any protein you find that is plant based, clean label, and assimilable, is awesome! Here is a great little chart you can quickly browse to start incorporating plant-based protein in your diet today! You can even print it off and post it on your fridge.

When it comes to bread, if you just want an “air fluffy” product, there’s many options out there. But if you’re looking for wholesome food, Simple kneads is definitely that source for bread, especially for those with various intolerances.

Here’s to a healthy and happy plant-based lifestyle!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

The Gut-Friendly Delight from Simple Kneads

The Gut-Friendly Delight from Simple Kneads

Sourdough is a magical food! If you were to ask any sourdough enthusiast, like the late Alaskan sourdough specialist, Ruth Allman, or Australian naturopath Barbara O’Neill (pictured above with me), they would tell you there’s nothing like a true sourdough bread to make your gut ever so happy.

At Simple Kneads, we not only specialize in true sourdough bread, but also a top 9 allergen free product that is gluten-free as well! As you can imagine, this is a powerful combination. But it doesn’t stop there! Most breads have lectins (the most famous lectin being gluten), but our sourdough contains 3 ancient, gluten-free grains, that are completely lectin free – Millet, Sorghum and Teff. For those with gut issues, this is wonderful news!

Fun fact: We actually got our sourdough starter from Barbara O’Neill about 10 years ago and have been feeding it gluten-free ancient grains ever since!  Watch the short interview with Barbara sharing the history of our starter!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development



We are bread lovers. When I got married, I baked 5 loaves of bread weekly. Not just for ourselves of course, but for sharing with neighbors as well. Our favorite was my mother-in-law’s delicious oat bread. Unfortunately, my whole wheat bread baking days ended when we realized my husband was seriously gluten-intolerant. However, during the first 9 years I learned a lot about baking bread. One thing I learned by experience was, bread without salt is not pleasant. My thoughtful husband ate it with much creativity. However, not only does salt enhance the flavor of food, but it’s also actually needful for good health!

Salt Helps in Biological Function:

Research now shows that without adequate sodium, your brain would not be able to send necessary electrical impulses to the rest of your body so that it could function correctly! Salt is definitely vital for life! It plays a major role in our body’s overall fluid balance and muscle contraction and indirectly helps in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to our bodies! Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health states that we need about 500 milligrams of sodium each day for these critical processes. No wonder salt was considered more precious than gold in ancient times! No human would be alive today without this important chemical compound!

What Salts are Best?

Our bodies can’t produce salt by themselves, so we must get it from some external source. But which salt is best? Is there one salt better than another? Everyone has their opinions on this, but we have found that sea salts and Himalayan Pink salt are at the top. See the following site for more information on the amazing benefits of real sea salts –

Here at Simple Kneads we use organic sea salt in our breads, and unlike most salts, ours does not contain anticaking agents. We try to keep all our ingredients as clean as possible!

Salt is vitally important, but it’s important to use quality natural salt and not the standard table salt wherever possible. We understand that some people have to be extra careful with their salt intake, but we hope that this information has been helpful as you continue your journey toward healthier and happier living!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development



Packed with plant-based protein, and especially rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus, B-vitamins, and loaded with antioxidants, organic Sorghum flour is a powerhouse! It’s so versatile too. It can be used in baking, cooking and even as a thickener for sauces and soups. In most recipes you can replace Sorghum grains at a 1:1 ration and it’s great as a substitute for rice and quinoa. The grain is widely used in India, Asia and Africa. You can also pop Sorghum just like you would popcorn! We have enjoyed it in our home. It’s much smaller than popcorn, but if you can’t do corn, Sorghum is great! Because it’s lighter than popcorn you will want to avoid most air poppers. Here’s a fun educational video on how to pop it that your kids will enjoy!

The United States grows more Sorghum grain than any other place in the world and getting any grain flour fresh is going to be super important for many reasons. For one, the fresher the flour the more bursting with nutrients it will be. Also, your food will be more flavorful! We are not only interested in making nutritious bread for you, but delicious as well. It’s quite simple. Would you rather have a cup of coffee from freshly roasted beans or ones that have been sitting around for months? Our milling company grinds our grain into flour the moment we are ready to order a new batch! So, what you are getting in our loaves is pretty fresh.

For more information on Sorghum, here’s a good article with some great recipes as well.


Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development



Toasting to Health

Toasting to Health


Many of our customers battle with serious health issues and it’s our passion not only to provide a wonderfully nutritious product for them, but also offer a better way of living. Answering their questions is one way we love to do this.

Daily we receive many inquiries concerning our product, and some of them are quite unique. Recently we received one on Acrylamide, and so today I want to talk a little bit about this chemical.

What is Acrylamide?

According to the FDA “it’s a substance that forms through a natural chemical reaction between sugars and asparagine, an amino acid, in plant-based foods.” In laymen terms, acrylamides are essentially burnt starches lol. They form when certain foods have been fried, over-cooked, grilled, baked or roasted at very high temperatures. Yes, it’s all those tasty ways that usually cause an explosion of flavor in our mouths. Some major sources of Acrylamides are potato chips, French fries, crackers, processed breakfast cereals, coffee (including cereal or chicory roasted coffee substitutes), canned black olives, prune juice and cigarette smoke.

Are Acrylamides Harmful?:

After viewing the above list of major sources, the answer is obvious. Acrylamides are toxic and in high amounts are especially harmful to the nervous system. They are believed to contribute to chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases and cancer. Living on planet earth can be challenging but thankfully there are some very simple and easy ways you can prepare your foods and avoid acrylamide consumption! Here’s a great little article: 9 Simple Ways to Reduce Acrylamide Intake – ActiveBeat – Your Daily Dose of Health Headlines

Simple Kneads & Acrylamides:

All the ancient grains and seeds used in our product are milled raw. We don’t overbake and the high-water content in our bread makes it resistant to over-browning. Regular bread, even when toasted on a lower setting, quickly begins to change color and gets crumbly. You will not find this with our product as it is super resistant to these types of breakdowns. As for our artisan crust… well, turns out those dark crusts that your parents had you eat when you were growing up, aren’t that great for you. So, if you want to avoid acrylamides as much as possible, you will want to cut them off!

For more information on Acrylamides, check out this video! Acrylamide (

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

Is Quick, Cheap Food Less Expensive

Is Quick, Cheap Food Less Expensive

Some of us here at Simple Kneads were raised on a plant-based, wholefoods diet, and we have raised our families the same way. But I must admit, I often wondered what it would be like to live on the “wild side.” When I was little, I dreamed about having a bowl of Captain Crunch for breakfast instead of homemade granola and cooking up a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese or popping a pizza in the oven for dinner. So, I tried it one day! My teens looked at each other in shock (although secretly excited) when I put a few pizzas into the grocery cart. They must have thought I lost my mind. I thought I lost my mind!

The dinner was exciting for everyone! I had little to do, it was done quickly, and who doesn’t get excited about pizza? But unfortunately, we were left unsatisfied and feeling icky, and very soon the kids were hungry again.

After a nutritious, plant-based meal, my children can go 4-5 hours without feeling hungry, and with no strange side effects like gas, fatigue, bloating, headaches, burping, constipation, etc. And although they are more resilient than us older folks, I think we were all looking forward to the next home cooked meal. However, the whole experience got me thinking about how the true price of cheap, processed foods, is really hidden.

We all know that bad food equals bad health. Fast food and canned, prepackaged, processed foods, are filled with all sorts of fats, sugars, preservatives, fillers, and many sketchy ingredients that no-one can even pronounce. High blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many other illnesses, are all mainly the results of a poor diet. Then there are the medical bills and prescription drugs that follow. In the long run, eating “cheap,” fast food is actually more expensive.

A report from The Watch Paper called: Overfed and Underfed: The Global Epidemic of Malnutrition documented the real costs of obesity related to poor diet…

  • Obese people account for the disproportionate share of health-related absences from work.
  • Obesity accounts for 7 percent of lost productivity due to sick leave and disability.
  • 7 percent of all of North Carolina’s healthcare expenditures are related to obesity.
  • Obese people visit their physicians 40 percent more than normal weight people.
  • Obese people are 2.5 times more likely to require drugs prescribed for cardiovascular and circulation disorders.
  • Liposuction is the number 1 form of cosmetic surgery in the US, with 400,000 operations a year!
  • Over 100,000 people a year have gastric bypass surgery.

Remember, the above is just focusing on obesity, it does not include the other effects of poor diet like heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and a myriad of others. And no one can argue that poor health significantly lowers your ability to enjoy life on a day-to-day basis! In the end, cheap food has a high price to pay.

On the other hand, eating nutritious, whole food helps prevent disease and allows you to enjoy life a lot more! In addition, once you get the hang of it, you will find that wholesome food can actually be less expensive overall! And don’t feel like you have to do organic at first. Just take it one step at a time. Here’s a few tips to get started on your journey to living healthier and happier…

  • Keep yourself inspired on your new journey! We live in the age of technology, so do your research, there are hundreds of amazing plant-based recipes out there. Youtube and Instagram are great resources for finding inspiring, plant-based lifestyles (a great place to start is with our IG page: @simplekneads_gf). Start reading books and testimonies from those who have gone down the same path you are now on and be sure to surround yourself with people that are open to learning new ways and will support you on your journey. Keep yourself inspired at all costs, it will help to keep you motivated and consistent!
  • Learn from those who know! The healthiest cultures in the world eat little meat and a large variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. So, gradually adding more and more veggies and leafy greens to your meals will be tremendous as you switch over to a healthier lifestyle. And be sure to read about the blue zones on our blog! These are areas in the world where some of the oldest people live! (place our blog link here that is connected with the article “Transform Your Health and Live Longer.”)
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things! Search these cultural foods: Mediterranean (most middle eastern foods accompany their main dish with an assortment of fresh vegetables), Asian, and East Indian with its focus on vegetarianism. Ethiopian food is not only delicious, but super easy  to find plant-based options. Latin American restaurants also accommodate easily to vegans and vegetarians.

If trying a new food is too challenging, just start with a small portion or with something that is familiar, like Mexican. Or make it fun, dress up and go out to eat with friends that are more adventuresome than you! Whatever you do, do your best to conquer your fear. Adding variety to your diet will be important in giving your body more nutrition so it can function optimally.

We hope these simple tips will help you get a good start on your new journey today. Oh! And just FYI – Simple Kneads breads make great little pizzas that your whole family will enjoy, and your kids will love creating their own piece! Just make like you would English muffin pizzas and pop them in the oven. Fast and easy!

Here’s to good health, long life & happiness!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development
