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A Whole Foods Plant-based Lifestyle

Apr 17, 2024

It’s a scary thought for some – no meat, no cheese, no fried foods… You might be saying, “um, no thank you!” I get it! And if you’re a foodie like me, every meal is a special occasion! Yes, food “restrictions” can certainly put a damper on the festivities. But when you give it a try and realize the plethora of benefits you begin to receive, you just might change your mind (read about the blue zones in my article on Transform Your Health and Live Longer).

Aside from the occasional organic egg or fresh Copper River Red Salmon when I visit my parents in Alaska, I have mostly been 100% whole food, plant based since birth. It’s more flexible than veganism and you will feel the difference within the first 3-4 days. If not sooner!  Also, a WFPB lifestyle is not as restrictive as you think. There are so many options out there these days. I love visiting Barnes and Nobles where they have scores of beautiful plant-based, vegan and vegetarian cookbooks stocked on their shelves. For those who don’t like to spend much time surfing the internet like me, a good bookstore is a perfect place to sit quietly, sip on tea and take time to find what will work for you. And it’s great to surround yourself with others who are interested in getting healthier. At first, unless you have superhero will-power, it can be torture to go out to eat with friends who are not interested in making a change.

Also, the plant-based movement is a legit choice in making a difference in your environment! With our planet suffering under the pressure of our choices, and the many sicknesses and diseases running rampant in our world, it really is time to do things differently. Check out this link for a great read on this subject:

If you’re apprehensive about taking the dive, no problem. Just start by intentionally minimizing your processed food intake or make one day a week, a whole food, plant-based day. OR! get a little bolder and just take all fried food completely out! You will definitely feel a difference! Plant-based whole foods, and especially organic, will give you a boost of energy you have not felt before.

Here is an awesome link to help you get ready for the best health of your life! Enjoy!

Here’s to your health AND your happiness!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

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